Friday, September 11, 2009

My Day Off

We had quite a week at work. All the new classes started and I'm in charge of registration so I had to make sure I knew who was in what and what they were missing for each day's schedule. And then be there to answer questions and collect all the missing stuff.

Meanwhile, I'm still coughing like a 3-pack-a-day smoker with no improvement (2 weeks). Then last night my tooth starts bothering me and if you know me at all you know I spent quite a few hours just hoping it would go away with no luck. I am a terrible dental-phobe.

Anyway, so this morning I started out in the Dr.'s office and ended up with cough medicine with codeine, antibiotics, scrips for blood work and mammogram and had had a Pap smear AND an EKG. Sheesh!

Spent the rest of the day scared of the dentist appointment at 4:30, which was fine although I have to go get a root canal done over, which scares the bejesus out of me, of course.

So my day off work, after my really, really busy week of shuffling papers and such, was pretty lousy all in all.

And now all I want is to start something new for me, me, me but I have to knit sweaters for the kids by Halloween.

heather hoodie left front 1

Oh, and my son's class, after 4 weeks of school, was split up and his half went into a combo 2/3 class with a teacher who has never taught 3rd grade before. I only had a small fit about this, understand, which was mostly due to not being told properly or at an appropriate time and the principal not being available to listen to reactions AT ALL. He's going to be fine and so am I, but it was not a good week there, either.

Praying for a nice quiet week, next week, root canal notwithstanding. And the spinning contest is on Sunday! Wish me luck!


Blogger Cindy said...

Ask your doctor for Xanax. I take 1/2 of the smallest dosage and it helps with the panicky feeling at the dentist. Love the cables and the color. It's good to hear from you. And, two root canals on one tooth? Bleh.

5:34 AM  

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