Thursday, October 26, 2006

Bobbins, bobbins everywhere

I got some new bobbins and I have absolutely nothing new to show, well, except for a bobbin:

When I did the dye run the other day, I promised DS he could do some and his favorite (by far, since infancy) color is (drum roll, please!)...Green.

The ironic thing is I like his roving better than mine. So I'm spinning up some of it because I have ENOUGH BOBBINS!!!

So I thought I would show what's on the old bobbins:

First, some silk top dyed by me last year. I plied most of this with some BFL at my mom's last winter but with the knitting needle/shoebox kate I was trying to use, it was a lot of tangling. The little skein is lovely, though. Don't know what I will do with the rest of this.

Next is some wool/mohair that I got from Paradise Fibers, a rhapsody roving, that I tried out one day when I couldn't decide what to do. Sometime I will finish it as it will make great (bright and beautiful) sock yarn!

And last, this is what happens when you don't have enough bobbins. Some superwash from Spunky Eclectic, some Turkish Carpet, who knows whats under there?

So that's what's on the bobbins. Now I have some empty ones, though, so who knows what will follow...

In other news, congratulations, New Jersey, my home state, for being a bit less behind the curve on equal rights than some. Let's hope the legislature handles this well! And there was an article about the Googlebomb in the New York Times today, woo-hoo! If only we could tell if it's working. MyDD will let us know, I'm sure!

Only 13 days to Election Day! Demand a paper ballot!


Blogger Heide said...

Kudos to New Jersey! That made me happy too. Green is my favorite color (ironic since I thought the shade of green in my new kitchen was hideous) so I LOVE the stuff your husband dyed. I wish I could get mine interested. He just grumbles at the sight of yarn, etc. Cheers.

7:11 PM  
Blogger Wendy Stackhouse said...

Sorry, not husband, 5 year old son is obsessed with green. Husband's only interest in dye so far has been how big of a mess! And the results. He's very supportive of my fibery pursuits, thank goodness, since the housework suffers terribly!

6:51 AM  
Blogger Wendy Stackhouse said...

Oh, and he hates the smell of cooking vinegar!

6:52 AM  
Blogger Joyfossil said...

Green is the best color in the world. It has been my favorite since my first breath as well! I love DS's yarn! I think the whole would should be green! Green everything! Yay!

And... I lived in NJ when I was little. My dad called me Joisy from Joisy (get it?).
What did Joisy (the state, not me...) do? I missed it. I was too busy thinking Rush Limbaugh is a freakin' idiot... who picks on Michael J. Fox? Yee Gods!

Maybe Rush and Tom Cruise should form an idiots club...


9:07 PM  
Blogger Joyfossil said...

Wait... now I know! NJ is allowing civil unions to same sex couples... well, it's a step.

yay Joisy! (the state)
Joisy (the girl)

1:05 PM  

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