I have resigned almost all of my position at my church (I had a combination of 3 jobs which added together gave me 35 hours and benefits) because they cut me from 25 hours a week to nine. Nine. Not worth getting dressed for, thanks. I'll freelance and worry about my healthcare at home where I don't have to deal with your sturm und drang and hand-wringing about how it was so hard but cuts needed to be made. Okay. Fine. No one will update your website. No one will have time to put on hugely successful events because they are busy pushing paper that I used to take care of but am not any more. No one will get the newsletter in their email, so you will have to go back to doing a 500 piece mailing again, which costs money, too, you know, in postage and paper and toner and man hours. Okay. Fine. I get it. You have to save the feelings of the people who give the money. I get that their feelings are more important than mine. But you are making poor business decisions which will come back and bite you. Probably not until there is a new regime and certainly long after I have moved on. So I guess that serves your purpose. I won't miss you a bit.
Have fun!